San Mateo "Asian American Expo"

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When:June 18th & 19th
Attendance: >10,000 people
Volunteers: Ellen He, Kai Zhu, Tina Miao, Heng Huang, Joy Huang & Yao Feng
Location:San Mateo Expo Center, San Mateo, CA
Cost: $0
Acknowledgement:Mintel sponsored six tickets
Summary:The two-day "Asian American Expo" was held on 6/18 & 19 at
San Mateo Expo center. Recognized as one of the largest Asian expo
in the West, the trade show was attended by thousands of consumers.
OCEF-NCA made use of this opportunity to distributed flyers to promote
our June 25th Photo Exhibition "The Rough Road to School". During
these two days, we handed out about 1000 copies of flyers.